Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What Do you Do When You Have Too Much To Do

Too Much to Do – I am writing this post on October 1, 2012.  This is going to be one of the busiest months of my life and I woke up this morning in a minor panic.  You know the feeling where you cannot move forward and are mildly paralyzed because you have too much to do and you do not know where to start.  I woke up around 5:30 this morning and did the following.
Too Much to Do

Too Much to Do

I wrote a blog post – This is the core activity that I do first think in the morning.  This is not about writing a blog post but this is about doing an activity first thing in the morning that can have an immediate impact on your success and can also have a long term impact.  It does not matter what you do but I would recommend building a habit of doing one thing first thing in the morning every day.  This should be an activity that furthers your primary or goal or one of your most important goals.
Made a list of all of the projects that I have to move forward on this month – This is a simple one sentence overview of the projects.  The purpose of this exercise is to size up everything on that is only your plate.  You want to include everything on this list so you can experience a feeling of completion.
Select one project and break it down into its core components – The key here is to only select one project here.  Break it down into as much detail as you can so that you have confidence that you have a complete list.  You will always have the chance to add new items but you want to make sure to get a complete brain dump on this project first thing.
Select the most pressing item on the list that you can complete quickly – The project that I selected was planning an event that is less than 30 days away.  There are quite a few key components.  However, the critical thing that I had to do was to start inviting people to the event.  I recorded a three minute video and put it up on YouTube.  After I got done with that first item, then I was inspired to do a second item and then a third.
Keep moving forward on that project until you feel it is time to move onto another project – The key to success is building momentum. Momentum comes when you are able to string together a few positive steps in the right direction.  Once you are experiencing momentum in one project, then you can take that momentum and move onto another project.
Note:  It is not about which project that you are working on.  It is about the experience and power that you have when you are doing your work.
Following the five step processes above will have you start to build up momentum because you will have a complete set of steps that you can take and you will have the experience of momentum that comes from getting things done.  Follow these five steps and you will be so much closer to peace of mind and power in everything that you want to do.

Too Much to Do – Empower Network @ 2012

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