Monday, November 5, 2012

Creating Wealth – Can You Get Wealthy Before 7am?

Creating Wealth - I remember a television advertisement for the United States Army that was on television about 20 years ago that had the tagline -
We do more before 9am than most people do all day
Creating Wealth

Creating Wealth Before 7 AM

That advertisement stuck with me because I loved the idea to get my most important work done early in the morning, while most people are sleeping.
You can watch the video here -
Today, I am married, have a 2.5 year old daughter and another baby on the way.  I have a full time job and other obligations that do not afford me the opportunity to waste any time.
If I want to get wealthy, I have to figure out how to get the most done and get the most done early in the morning before other demands on life take over.
Sound familiar?
If you are in a similar situation, here are some tips on how you can get wealthy in the early morning hours of your day and have the rest of the day to do whatever it is that you please.
This post is also inspired by a post from a marketer/author who goes by the name Michael Masterson.  The post was entitled - A Life Changing Early Morning Routine.
In the post, Masterson outlines his strategy for achieving his most important goals each day.  He takes the first four hours of the day and focus solely on his goals.  He has a precise, systematic approach of attacking one goal for an hour at a time.
Then, in the afternoon, he allows time to focus on other people’s priorities.  Masterson developed a mastery of this process over many years.  As you can read in the article, he does not do anything that during the day that does not fit in with his master plan.
Creating Wealth Here we go -
1. Plan Your Day the Night Before - You want to be able to get out of bed and go right to work.  You do not want to have to be fumbling around for what activities you are going to take on in the morning.  Plan your day, especially your early morning before you go to sleep the night before.  This will also serve the benefit of getting your subconscious to start working on solving the problems that you want to address in the morning as you are sleeping.  If done correctly, and if you get the proper amount of sleep, you will bounce out of bed every morning.  You will be ready to go and ready to tackle any challenge that the day will bring to you.
2. Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day - You want to get into a routine in the morning.  The easiest way to do this is to wake up at the same time every morning.  If you want to get your work done before 7am, I would suggest waking up at 5:00 or 5:30, at the latest.  You may find that your routine can take less than 2 hours to complete.  However, you do not want to be rushing yourself in the morning.  Waking up early may be a challenge in the very beginning, but once you get used to it after a few days, your body will adjust and you will have no problem waking up in the early morning.
3. Pick One or Two Activities that you are Going to Master - One mistake that many people make is that they take the extra time to try to get everything on their to-do list done.  To-do list time is for during the day.  Early morning time is for getting wealthy, so do not use this time for anything else.  You want to be able to focus on one or two core activities each day and you want to be able to get very good at executing on each of those activities.  It may take 30 days for you to get very good or it may take a year.  It does not matter.  The difference between the wealthy and the not so wealthy is that the wealthy are able to focus and develop mastery in a few areas.
The illusion about creating wealth is that it takes a lot of hard work.  The fact of the matter is that people who develop wealth are better at implementing and mastering a system than those who do not.
They take time each day to do the things that will make a difference in them moving closer to their goals.  It is not necessary to get up early to get wealthy.
However, if you have not yet developed the discipline to what you need to do, getting up early is the best way that I know to greatly increase your chance of success.

Creating Wealth 2012 @ Empower Network

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