Thursday, September 20, 2012

Action vs. Planning – Which is Better

Action vs. Planning - If you are a chronic planner and lack the gumption to take action, this post is for you. I spent so much time planning for projects that never got executed. Now, I have a different approach and it allows me to be so much more productive than I was before.
action vs. planning

Action vs. Planning

Here we go –
If you can take action, take action – Action cause stuff in the real world and can make your projects so much more fruitful than if you do not take on this practice.
Plan once and execute – Plan once and execute the plan as best you can. Do not second guess your plan. Trust it, especially if you went through a solid process in defining the plan.
Follow your gut – When you get into a zone and are willing to put in the work, then other parts of you will start to take over. Allow your gut (or your natural instincts) to take over and guide you in the right direction. You will find that if you are able to do that, you will be in a position where you will start to experience success at another level.
Check back in on your plan on a periodic basis – If you create your plan and you are running forward taking action, take a few minutes to stop and check in on your plan to see how you are doing. It is not necessary that you follow your plan and be married to specific steps. Some people can be successful following exact steps. However, most people need some flexibility. As long as you do not stray too far off path, you can still experience success.
Make it a great day. Take action and move aggressively towards your goals.

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