Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lessons from 40 Days of Blogging

40 Days of Blogging – This article will share the lessons that I have learned from 40 days of blogging.  For the last 40 days, I have gotten up and started writing first thing in the morning.  I write for about an hour to an hour and a half before I go into the office.  Further, whenever I have some free time during the day, I record videos about my blog posts or I simply write more posts.  This has been one of the most invigorating and exciting experiences of my life.
40 days of blogging

Lessons from 40 Days of Blogging

Here is what I have learned -
It gets easier, sort of - After 40 days of blogging, I have built the habit that allows me to know that I will get up every morning and start blogging.  I am confident that I will do the work every day.  When I first started, I had a lot of concerns that the monkeys in my head would take over and would take me out of the game before I even got started.  Knowing that I will get up tomorrow and do the same thing is empowering.
Results will come slow - I have created almost 300 posts over the last 40 days.  This seems like a lot but it really is not if you take it one post at a time.  However, I still get just get a trickle of visitors to my site every single day.  Although, from experience, I know that it takes about 90 days to see any real results, I still question every day what I can do better or what I can do more of that will allow me to get better results and to get those results slowly.  Patience and faith is key.  If you need to see instant results and instant success, then you will be disappointed and will probably give up before you achieve any success.  Just one person’s opinion.
I can work out my challenges through my writing - I write for an audience and I write for other people’s benefits.  However, if I am dealing with something personal, I can share about what it is going on and actually work out my challenge in the post.  I don’t like to abuse this because who wants to read about somebody else’s problems, but this does work every once in a while.
Diving in is so much more fun - At the beginning, I wanted to make the perfect post.  IT wound up taking way too long and I don’t think the reader would appreciate the difference.  It is a lot more fun to just jump in and free flow and see where we go. I have had some tremendous outcomes using this approach and find it extremely rewarding.
Don’t do it alone - Blogging is a solo activity.  By the nature of the work, we have to do at least a part of our work by ourselves.  It helps to have a running buddy or somebody who is working with us to fight off the loneliness that can set in while we are blogging.
Thanks for reading about my first 40 days blogging.  I expect to learn a lot more in the next 40 days and also expect to see some real traffic in that time.

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