Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Power Hour – How to Get Stuff Done

Get Stuff Done – In this post, we are going to talk about the Power Hour and how you can use it to get stuff done.  At any time, we have 5 to 7 personal projects that we are working on.  These are outside of our core work and our core focus.  They are not the most pressing of the work that you have to do.  However, these are projects that if left neglected will cause you some heartache and pain.
Here is a strategy to get those items done and to do so with relative ease and peace.
get stuff done

Get Stuff Done

It is pretty simple –
Allocate an hour a day to work on one of these projects – Decide that you are going to spend an hour a day working on one of these projects.  This does not need to be during your prime working time and it can even be at times when you sit in front of the TV.
Pick the project that you are most interested in working on that day – Some people propose that you use a system of prioritization for your projects.  While this works, it does not account for your mood each day.  If I am tired, I tend to get easily agitated.  It does not make sense for me to work on projects that require interaction with other people when I am in this place.  However, I have no problem sitting in front of the TV and pulling my documents so I can finish filing my taxes.  Do you get the idea?
Go for progress as opposed to perfection – Most people are not able to get their projects done because they want them to be perfect.  Given that these projects are not your main focus, just focus on making progress during your “power hour”.  If you can string a few of these hours together over a few days, you will find that your projects are a lot further ahead, then if you do not take on this project.
Forget about the project until the next day – If you start getting some momentum, there may be an urge to spend extra time or figuring out how to complete the project more efficiently or effectively.  Save this thought for your power hour.  There are some exceptions to this rule.  However, we are operating under the assumption that these are not projects that turn you on or excite you.  Therefore you should keep them in a box and out of the way the rest of your life.
Follow the four steps above and you will be powering through your personal troubling projects in no time at all

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