Monday, September 24, 2012

Reinventing Your Online Marketing Plan

Online Marketing Plan – In this post, I will share with you why we are reinventing our marketing plan and literally starting over from scratch.  You may think that I am crazy but it has to be done.
Online Marketing Plan

Online Marketing Plan

Our business is pretty simple.
We provide valuable content to or pay for traffic so that people are exposed to our capture page.  If people decide to share their information in exchange for a video (opt in), they become a lead or a potential customer.
The more leads that I get, the more likely I am to get a sale and the more likely I am to make money.
Yesterday, I generated 438 leads in my business.  However, all of those leads were coming from a traffic source that was not profitable at best and questionable at worst.
It took me a while to turn off that traffic source because my ego told me that numbers are good and it will turn around.
However, there were a couple of challenges -
1. Having so many disinterested potential customers got in the way of focusing on those people who actually may be interested.  I could not tell the difference so everybody got treated the same.  Now, even though I will have less potential leads coming through my business, I can pay more attention to providing those people valuable content so they can make a powerful decision as to whether they want to be a customer or not.  This way it is fairer to both parties.
2. Building a solid foundation is more important than building a big house with a spotty foundation.   It may take a lot more time to build a solid foundation and lead base in my business, but as the foundation gets built more strongly, it will last a lot longer and will have integrity.
3. No decision is final.  I know how to generate 436 leads and if I discover tomorrow that this is a better way to go, I can turn that traffic source back on again.  However, if I do that, it will come from a place of more experience and a decision that is coming from the right place.
Now, the decision that I made is not life or death and is not that important but this post should underscore that we should focus on breaking through the status quo and make changes, even though it may be a little more uncomfortable in the short term.  Build a culture with a strong foundation and everybody will be better off in the long run.
Make it a great day.

Online Marketing Plan – Empower Network @ 2012

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