Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Make Money with Adsense

How to Make Money with Adsense – This article will outline a simple way to make money with Adsense.  For those of you who do not know, Adsense are the targeted ads that Google places on your site.  When a visitor to your site clicks on one of those Ads, you get paid.  The amount of money that you get paid is a percentage of the amount that the advertiser is paying Google for the click.
make money with adsense

Make Money with Adsense

There are pros and cons to attempting to make money with Adsense.
 Pros -
1. You don’t have to do any selling to make money with Adsense- This is a great way for a new person to get paid.  All you have to do is create content that attract users to the page and you get paid for every click on the Ads.  This can be a lot simpler than other monetization strategies where you have to also sell the user to make money.
2. It is simple to set up - Google makes it very easy to set up the Ads.  If you use a WordPress blog, there are plug-ins that are available that allow you to place your Adsense ads with very little effort.
 Cons -
1. You have to be very careful of Google’s Terms of Services if you wish to make money with Adsense - Google has some strict terms of service (TOS).  If you are not careful, you will find that your Adsense Account is banned overnight and, once you are banned, it is very challenging to get your account back.
2. It takes a lot of traffic to make a lot of money - Because it is simple to get clicks, you also will not get paid as much as you may with other methods of monetization.  It will take quite a bit of traffic and high revenue clicks to make some good money.
Here are steps to get started quickly with setting up your Adsense Income.  They key to making this strategy work is to come up with a formula to create sites in bulk.  If you put all of your eggs into one or a few baskets, you may come up disappointed because that site may be a flop.
Steps Performed on How to Make Money with Adsense:
1. Do Keyword Research - You want to find a high traffic keyword with low competition.  If you Google, keyword research, you will find multiple strategies for performing your research.  The key is to pick a strategy that is quick and that can be replicated.
2. Acquire hosting - My favorite hosting company is (only because I have been using them for years).  Do a Google search for ‘Hosting Coupon Code’ and you will find some deals on discounted hosting.  Expect to pay between $3.00 and $25 for hosting per month when all is said and done.
3. Acquire 6 domains - I would suggest doing the research to set up six sites.  The reason that I suggest six domains is that you get a bulk purchase discount with if you acquire six or more domains at any one time.
4. Setup a WordPress Blog - The Hostgator account has wizards that will allow you to easily set up a WordPress blog.  There are strategies for adding plug-ins, etc. to tour blog but keep your setup simple at the beginning.
5. Write between 5 and 10 articles for your first blog - Keep in my mind that these articles do not have to be perfect.  Spend about 20 to 25 minutes on each article.  Just put your headphones on and start writing.  Some people suggest outsourcing the articles.   However, in the beginning, I recommend you write your own articles so that you can get the feel or how it works.
6. Sign up for an Adsense Account - You can apply for your account here – Sign Up for an Adsense Account.  You need to have at least one site complete to use as a sample of your work to sign up for an Adsense Account.
7. Place Adsense Ads on your site - There are a lot of lessons online that will tell you how to do this. In the beginning go with a simple strategy.
8. Work on Off Page SEO - This is getting links to your site.  Determine a simple strategy that will give you diversified links that you can repeat over and over again or have somebody else repeat over and over again.
9. Build the content for the other five sites - Once you have the first site built with content, rinse and repeat building content and building links to the remaining five sites.
10. Assess revenue after 90 days - Determine how much revenue you are getting after 90 days.
11. Determine if you are going to build out the site more or sell the site - The best way to make money with Adsense is to sell the site.  The simplest place to sell your sites is on  You can sell and Adsense site for between 8X and 25X monthly income.  If the site is making $100 per month, then you can seek it for between $800 and $2,500.
12. Reinvest 40% of your earnings into building more sites - Once you sell a set of your sites, you can reinvest the earnings back into building more sites.
Follow the 12 steps above and you will be well on your way to making a decent Adsense income.  The key to your success will be to come up with a replicable process and follow it until you get to a place where you are making a predictable profit on each site.
Keep in mind that this is not a make money from Adsense strategy that will have you get rich overnight, but it will allow you to make slow and steady income for the long term if performed correctly.

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