Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Real Cost of an IPhone 5 – Apple Being Bad?

Cost of an IPhone 5 – Apple IPhone 5 is available for pre-order today.  I am not going to bore you with the details about its new features, etc.  However, I was surprised by the buzz that is surrounding the IPhone 5 and am curious whether Apple made a mistake, has a bigger vision or whether they are out to get more dollars from each customer.
This post is based on an article in Forbes, titled – “The Real Cost of an IPhone 5
cost of an iphone 5

Cost of an IPhone 5

When I went into the Apple Store about six weeks ago to buy a new MacBook Pro, I felt good about my purchase.  I had been debating whether or not to upgrade for a few months.  I was quoted a price for the product and I walked out the door paying the price that I was quoted.
Six weeks later, I love my laptop and wonder why I did not upgrade earlier.
If you ask me about the MacBook Pro, I will respond emphatically with – “You have to have one.”  Apple is my friend.  I understand that they are for a profit company and I am not under the illusion that the executives at Apple would have me over for dinner, but I felt that we are working towards the same goal, like I am part of a team.
Well, the buzz about the IPhone 5 has me questioning my allegiance.
Below are a couple of simple facts -
1. Apple has changed the size of the IPhone 5.
2. Apple has changed the charger.
Now, I have not done detailed research to understand what this means, but what it definitely means is that current IPhone owners are going to have to pony up some extra cash on accessories.
To me, iPhone 5 accessories are just a sunk cost and a waste of money.  I know some people are proud of their accessories but to me it is just a cost.
I do not know the true intentions behind the changes but it brings up issues of trust that the consumers should not have to think about.
Is Apple only looking out for their best interest or are they looking out for the consumer?
I hope it is the latter.  However, as a consumer, I now have my guard up a little more, which is never really a good thing.
Apple, we are still friends, but please address the concerns about the new requirements for accessories.
The people (me) want to know.

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