Monday, September 24, 2012

Blogging for Self Expression

Blogging for Self Expression – If you have been pounded down through years of hearing ideas that did not make sense to you but you just went with the flow because you did not know anything better, this post may make a huge difference for you.
Blogging for Self Expression

Blogging for Self Expression

Shifting the Drift -
A friend of mine taught me about this concept a couple of years ago.  He explained that life drifts in a certain direction.  It is like a lay current or a logy river just flowing.  You have a choice to go along with the current, fight the current or simply make minor shifts that can have large ripple effects downstream.
What does that have to do with blogging?
Probably not a lot.  However, blogging is a way to express yourself in a way that becomes available to the World and available for you to access later.  Now, everybody is not a writer.  There are artists, there are poets and there are musicians.
However, some of just express ourselves through our writing.
We live the experience of putting our thoughts down on paper as quickly as they come.  I f we trust ourselves and do not sensor our thoughts, then new and better and bigger thoughts will continue to come out.
OK, so this about breaking down self censorship.
I guess that is the case.   You see, we have that little voice in our head that is designed to keep us safe.  You know, when the lion comes out of the mountain, it protects us so we die.
However, in the modern World where I live, there are no lions coming out of the mountains to attacks.  The fears that I and the people around me face come from feelings of inadequacy and feelings of not being good enough to have what we want.  I think that you can probably relate to what I am talking about here.
If you have the courage to share your ideas with the World, you will allow other people to share their ideas with the World.  Some ideas you will agree with and some ideas will be completely foreign to you.
However, in sharing you get something out there that expresses aha thou are feeling at a particular point of time.
That is the definition of self expression.
Given that we are draining resources and life is getting more and more complicated, self expression is the one asset that we all share that will help us move to the next level of life.
Blogging is the outlet that I chose.  It may be the outlet for you or you may want to choose another outlet.
Either way, get your ideas out there and it will make a huge difference for you moving forward.
Have an amazing day.

Blogging for Self Expression – Empower Network @ 2012

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