Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Getting to Know Yourself – Don’t Care About What You Do Not Care About

Getting to Know Yourself – This post is inspired by a quote from Joe Rogan on one of his recent podcasts.   He said (and I am paraphrasing), “I have lost the ability to care about stuff that I do not care about.”  I am a nice guy and have lived most of my life as a people pleaser.  However, over the last few years, and specifically over the past few months, I have gotten very clear about what matters to me in life –
getting to know yourself

Getting to Know Yourself

1. I want to spend quality time with my family.
2. I want to support others in living their lives out of their passion (whatever that looks like)
3. I want to have fun.
4. I want to master my work (now it is writing so that people take action)
Although this is somewhat of a broad list, it captures everything that I want to capture in life.   I am not saying that I do not have interests outside of this list of getting to know yourself, but I have gotten much better at not getting involved with things that I do not care so much about or have an emotional connection to.
Here are some tips in getting to know yourself -
1. Trust your instincts - I get asked to get involved with people’s projects and others’ personal agendas all the time.  Although I want to support them in what they do, I find that if I am not excited about something from the beginning, it will be almost impossible to get me excited about it later.  There is a lot more heartache and pain if you agree to do something or be involved with somebody else’s project and you do not deliver, than if you just saying no from the start and move on.
2. Don’t compromise - A common mistake that people make is that they take a smaller role in a project to appease the person that is asking them to do something.  I have done this so many times and what winds up happening is that you resent these commitments more than if you would have jumped in with both feet.  The reason being is that you have to restrain your energy and that takes hard work.  Find a couple of things where you can get all in and jump in with your heart and soul and don’t worry about getting involved in anything else.
3. Don’t pull up - Your subconscious mind know if you are selling yourself short and it will find ways to get in the way of what you are doing.  Push hard and push forward every single day of your life and with everything that you do and you will find that you are living a much more satisfied and enjoyable life.  This does not mean that you should not relax since you cannot go 1,000 miles a minute all of the time.  All this means is do not sell yourself short.  Go for it, make mistake and get better at what you do.
Make it a great day.

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