Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Clean Up Your Space to Clear Your Head

Clear Your Head – This post will provide some insight and tips on some steps that you can take to clean up your space as an access to clearing out your mind.  Everything physical object around you carries some sort of energy.  It is either energy that is alive and empowering or it is energy that is dead.
Dead energy comes from papers that that are unfilled, broken items that you may get around to cleaning up at some point in time.  Alive energy are those objects that make you feel better to have them around you.  Those items could be my bike, my laptop and the books in my office.
Clear Your Head

Clear Your Head

Below are some tips that you can use to clean up your space and then clean up your mind –
Dedicate 15 minutes to cleaning up a small area of your space – 15 minutes is enough time to free up some energy.  If you are busy, then fit in 15 minutes and you will find that you are leaping forward towards having the success that you desire.  If you are inspired after you get through your first fifteen minutes, you may want to invest an additional 15 minutes to clean up more of the area.  For every physical item that you clean up, there will be the opportunity for new ideas to make themselves known to you.
Throw stuff out - Do not hang on to stuff that no longer serves you or your purpose.  Simply throw that stuff out.  If you are afraid that you will need the item again, then just put it in a box on the closet with a commitment to throw the item out if you do not access it within 90 days (or whatever period makes sense to you).  This will allow you to demonstrate to yourself that you really do not need a lot of the stuff that you have.
Make the clean up a regular habit – As you go through life, you inevitably will begin to make more and more messes.  Set out 15 minutes to clean up every few days and you will find that your space and your mind will be getting clearer and clearer as you go.  It really is a brilliant exercise.
Ask for a hand – Some people do not have the patience to clean up.  Ask a friend for help or even hire somebody that you pay.  We have challenges getting rid of our own stuff, but if you bring in somebody who does not have an attachment to your stuff, you will find that you are better suited to move forward and to move forward more quickly.
Employ the four tips above and you will find that you are much more adept at cleaning up your space to clear your head.
Make it an amazing day.

Clear Your Head – Empower Network @ 2012

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