Thursday, September 20, 2012

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Write About

What to Write About – As a writer you will inevitably face the time when you are stuck and have no idea what you should write.  This is normal and there is no need to panic when you get to this place.  Below are a couple of steps that you can follow that will lead you in the right direction of accessing your better best.
what to write about

What to Write About

Ask yourself a question – The actual question does not make that much difference.  The question will spark an idea and will have you heading down the road of opening your mind and producing something that works for you.
Keep a trigger list of ideas – Keep a list of ideas that you can use to spark your next set of work.  Have these be items that you can get excited about and it will spark some creativity in the work that you do.
Bring back a great memory – Have access to great memory from an earlier period of your life.  This can be a vacation, something that made you laugh.  It does not matter what it is, but having the thought and going through the process will allow you to free up your mind.
Follow these three items and you will be well on your road to start producing some great content.

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