Thursday, September 20, 2012

Take Action – In Action But Questioning

Take Action – If you are a person who takes action, a lot of action, then this post will be for you.  If you are the type of person who is not afraid of some hard work or rolling up your sleeves and going it for you, then continue reading.
Now, if you are totally satisfied with your results, then you can put this post down and go to work.
However, for the 99% of you who feel that your results do not match your efforts, then keep reading and consider tweaking your progress.
take action

Take Action

Here we go:
Have you given enough time to see results? The general rule of thumb is that you may start to experience results after 30 days but for any major change in life, it should take up to 90 days to see results.  Most likely, if you just put your head down and wait out the 90 days, you will be in great shape.
If you are not comfortable waiting, here are a couple of other steps you can take:
Find a role model – Find a person that has done what you are trying to do before and read their stuff, watch their videos or pick their brain.  They will let you know if you are on the right track or if you should change course.
Get specific about your concerns – In the past, I had this voice in my head that always told me – “You should be doing something else.”  While this may seem like somewhat prudent advice, the big question is – “What is the something else that I should be doing?”  A general concern or general fear will not do a lot of good except to perpetuate the fear.  However, if you can get specific about your fear or your concern, then you may find that you are doing the right thing or maybe you should consider making change.
Act Quickly and Change Your Mind Slowly – This does not mean to hold onto archaic thoughts but it does mean that you may need to live a little bit (or a lot) out of your comfort zone.  Take action based on the best information that you have and stick to your guns.  You will find that this is challenging in the beginning but if you stick to it for the long haul, you have a much better chance of living a more prosperous and fulfilling life.
Accept that your little voice will always be there – Your little voice in your head is not going away.  Don’t try to fight it and just go with it.  Acknowledge it but do what you know to do.

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