Friday, September 21, 2012

The Power of Taking a Break

This post will expose you to the power of taking a break.  It is being written 15,000 feet in the air, on a cross country airplane.  Given that I have six hours, I thought that I was going to get so much done on this flight.
I am the type of guy who does not like to have a lot of downtime.  However, when I got on the plane, what felt right was to relax on the plane and take a break.
taking a break

Taking a Break

Below are a couple of the reasons that knowing when you should take a break is a skill that can alter your life:
1. We are not designed to keep going - Similar to a car, we need to refuel every once in a while.  Sleep is one way of taking a break.  However, another way is just to chill out and vex out.  This will allow you to come back stronger and even better after your break.
2. Breaks allow for new ideas to emerge - If you are going 10,000 miles a minute, there is not a lot of opportunity for new ideas and ways of operating to emerge.
3. Life is too short to not enjoy it - That is pretty clear.  Not a lot more needs to be said.

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