Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Power of Repetitive Activity

Repetitive Activity -My schedule has never been more predictable and I have never been happier in my life.   Almost every day, Monday through Friday, I get up and do the same thing every day.  When I first started with my rigorous schedule, it was challenging.  It is similar to when you start going to the gym.  You feel awkward and think that you will never get in shape.  Well, 30 days into following a disciplined schedule every day has me feeling more liberated and happy than I ever have in the past.

Repetitive Activity

repetitive activity
Below is one reason why repetitive activity and following a standard schedule is the way to go -
If you do things over and over again (repetitive activity), you will get very good at what you do – There are a couple of different levels of productivity.  When you first start, you will not be dry good and you will have to use a lot of conscious power to move forward.  Then you get pretty good about it but you still have to be conscious.  Then, one day, the activity becomes rote and you can do it blindfolded with one eye closed.  Your subconscious take over the process and the feeling is absolutely awesome.
Now, imagine if you roll that out to every area of your life.  OK, every area of life may be a little extreme, but if you can do it in multiple areas, your life will look tremendously different 90 days from now.
I did not believe it before I got started but my life is different than it was just 30 short days ago.
30 Days Ago I was searching for ways to grow my revenue, I snoozed my alarm multiple times before I woke up, whenever I was working on one thing my mind was on another.
This morning I jumped out of bed, wrote 5 blog posts before 8am, had a great day at the office, had a great conversations with my parents and my wife, recorded eight business videos and it is only 6:!4pm at night.
The day is just starting and now I get to do the best part of my day -
I get to hang out with my daughter when I get home and just play.
Getting good and avoiding the anxiety and worry of not doing your best will cause so many problems for you today and for you in the future.
OK, have a great day.  Make it an awesome one for you.

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