Thursday, September 20, 2012

Maximize Time – The Hour After Work (The Train Ride)

Maximize Time – I am in love with the idea of maximizing my time. I came up with the idea a few months ago of conducting all of my business while I am on the train (This article is being written on the train).
The idea is that I have to be on the train anyway so I might as well make the best use of the time that I can.
Here are a couple of the challenges -
I do not always get a seat.
I do not have Internet Access.
maximize time

Maximize Time

Now, we go to work on solutions for the problems.
I do not always get a seat – I just switched up trains and changed my travel time quite a bit.  If I do not travel during rush hour, I am much more likely to get a seat.
I do not have Internet Access – This is a little more of a challenge.  The way to solve this issue is to spend writing time on the train.  If I need reference materials for my train ride, I just download it ahead of time.
I also work with somebody else who posts the work that I produce.
Is the system perfect?  Absolutely not.  However, what becomes available is the opportunity to go home and not have to spend any time working on my business.  I can completely be with my family when I am there.
I also have to find a system that does not require me to do too much activity – This allows me to get very good at a couple of tasks.  I am probably going to be a world class train writer and if I keep at it long enough I will become a world class writer.  It is as simple as that.
Now, you may not have the same challenges that I have or may not have the same commute.  However, please use this post as your opportunity to look at what resources are available to you that you are currently not using or maximizing.
Wealth comes to those who can exploit opportunities. That is exactly what I am trying to do.
Make today a great day.

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