Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Can You Make Money with Adfly Traffic?

Make Money with Adfly – This post will explore whether you can make money with Adfly traffic.  Adfly is a traffic source that will allow you to get 5,000 visitors to your website for as little as $0.40.  You read that correctly.  We are all going to be rich, right?
Although there are some benefits to getting this level of traffic and it is possible to make money with Adfly, this traffic source is not as great as it seems on the surface.

Make Money with Adfly

make money with adfly
Where does the traffic come from?
Adfly traffic comes from download sites and is used by those who are promoting illegal downloads.  For those who want to ‘borrow’ movies, they must click on an Adfly Ad as part of the process to unlock the ad.  We are already starting from a grey area since most of the traffic is coming from people who are breaking the law, or at best, are walking a moral gray area.
Can I build a list with Adfly?
From my experience, you can build a list of more than 100 subscribers per day for as little as $6.00 or $7.00.   Although this seems like some amazing numbers, after experimenting with over 2,500 subscribers, I was not able to get one $25 sale for a blogging package that converts very well.
Why are these people not responsive?
These users are signed up to your list because it was in between them and a free download.  Once they sign up, they have no interest in you anymore.  From my experience, the open rate for emails for these subscribers is an abysmal 2% to 3%.  As a result, for every 100 visitors, only 2 or 3 of them will ever see your ad and what you are promoting.  Further, a huge percentage of my subscribers are from Indonesia (not a country that is known for pulling out its credit card).  Another large percentage does not even speak English.  Now, you can see that this list of 100 people is less and less valuable.
Is Adfly a total waste?
The short answer is No if you have the proper expectations.
You can use Adfly traffic for the following -
Split testing a capture page - This is one of the best ways to get statistically valid numbers of visitors to a site for very little money.  Using this traffic, it will be very easy to see which capture page converts better than another.
YouTube views - A lot of video ranking strategies require a large number of views.  This is an inexpensive way of getting a lot of views.  However, I must warn you to use this strategy with caution.  It is not likely that these users will view your video for long and expect that most of the comments that come out of this viewing strategy will be spammy or downright nasty.  Use this method with caution.
Getting the feeling of progress - With many of the strategies that I have tested, I have seen zero results for a long period of time.  If I just need to see some activity, nothing can do that better than flooding your site with 10,000 visitors in a period of a few minutes.  It is temporary gratification but gratification nonetheless.
So, to answer the question as to whether you can make money with Adfly –   The answer, like with anything else is Yes.  However, you may find that the effort would be a lot less if you paid more the traffic and got higher quality traffic.

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