Monday, September 24, 2012

The Writing on the Train Movement

Writing on the Train – This post is coming to your from a trolley in San Diego.  This is officially my second train system where I have blogged.
Why does it matter?
About 3 months ago, I came up with the idea of replacing my income from my day job during my morning commute.  It was just a concept at the time and I did not know exactly how it was going to play out, but here is what has happened since then.
Writing on the Train

Writing on the Train

I purchased a new laptop. Every time I get on the train and I get a seat, I pull out my laptop.
It is liberating because this is time that I used to resent.  I did not enjoy the commute and treated it as a waste of time.  Well, that was of time has turned into some of my most profitable time.
Something else has happened as well.  The rest of my life has gotten more exciting and a lot more fun.  That is why I encourage all of my fellow straphangers to write on the train.  Maybe, you are not a writer but take care of those things in your life that you are taking care of during times when you can be traveling, spending time with your family, exercising, volunteering, praying or whatever else it is that you want to do.
We call it the gap time.
The gap time is the time that is usually not that productive.  It is the time when you are left alone with your worst enemy, the space between your ears.
That is never a good place to be.
The enemy is lazy time (not time when we are relaxing) but the time when you are sitting around thinking.  As I look around the train, I seem my fellow commuters shaking their heads from side to side.  They are dealing with something that is not so powerful for them.
If they could pull out a notebook or a laptop and put their ideas down on paper, the experience of life could be so much more exciting and so much more fun.
Next time you are on a train, start to write or do something that you would do at a different time.
Your subway, trolley or even bus can be the next Silicon Valley.  Imagine that?
Make today a great day.

Writing on the Train – Empower Network @ 2012

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