Thursday, September 20, 2012

Examples of Writing Strategies

Writing Strategies – If you are interested in becoming a prolific (very good) writer and are just getting started, this post will give you some examples of writing strategies that will take you from being an average writer to a very good writer in very little time.
writing strategies

Writing Strategies

Regardless of what topic you are writing about, it is important that you have designed a writing process that is specific enough to allow you to progress rapidly through the writing process but general enough to allow you to explore your creative process.
Below are four different examples of writing strategies that you can employ at different times during your writing to achieve phenomenal results -
Rapid Writing - This strategy is used best in the idea development phase. The purpose is to get as many of your ideas onto paper for the purpose of organizing those ideas. You should set a stop watch for this phase of your writing and write everything that you can about the subject without performing any self editing. Allowing yourself to rapidly throw out ideas without self editing will allow you to determine what point of view you want to take in your writing. Remember, you can always edit out the bad ideas later so this key to this phase is speed and quantity.
Mind Mapping - Mind mapping is another writing strategy that allows you to get your ideas onto paper. The advantage to mind mapping over rapid writing is that you can begin to draw correlations between different topics. Mind mapping can have similar results to rapid writing, with the added benefit that you will not have to do as much editing and changing on the back end when you are done with your work.
Collaborative Writing - This works best if you have a group of people that you are writing with. A pair of writers can work amazingly well. One person will create the outline and may even create a first draft of the actual topic. The second person can come in afterwards and simply ask question that will prompt the writer to clarify a point or take the writing in a completely different place.
Putting Yourself in the Mind of the Reader - This is a fun exercise to see what your reader is going to want to get out of what you are writing. You can create a pre-defined imaginary person or you can actually use yourself as the case study. Ask questions that you think that this person will ask and then work to start answering those questions in the writing. Great writers understand the question that is being asked and the underlying question under the question that is being asked.
Begin to utilize these examples of writing strategies and you will be well on your way to having more success and fun in your writing adventures.

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