Monday, September 24, 2012

What it Takes to Make It?

What it Takes to Make It – I am writing this post on the heels of my first Empower Network live event.  I have stayed away from blogging about Empower Network and have chosen to focus on education, Ultimate Fighting Championship, my family up until this point.
Frankly, I am much more interested in talking about what I am interested in talking about.  You know what I mean.
However, what I have ignored is the platform that allows me to express myself and express myself freely while having the opportunity to earn a seven figure income at the same time.
For me this is about a revolution and accessing the truth about who I am and what I care about.  Maybe, a simpler way to put it is to express myself and what I care about freely without any of the constraints of what people care about AND to make a lot of money doing that.
Here is what I am going to do over the next 90 days -
1. Blog and Blog and Blog – The commitment in our company is to blog daily but blogging has become a lifestyle choice for me and I absolutely love it. (All that is really required to make a full time income is to blog once a day)
2. Shoot a lot of videos and post the nasty ones – I shot three videos this morning.  In one of them, I was crying, in one of them I was offensive and in one of them I was kind of bored.  Originally, I was thinking about leaving them on my camera and not having them see the light of day. Nonsense.
I titled this post – What it takes to make it?
What it Takes to Make It

What it Takes to Make It

The truth is that I have no idea.  However, I do know that we each have 24 hours in a day and all that is required is to make the best of that time and to continually get better at living, loving and playing.  That is the noblest of pursuits.
How can you make money doing that?
That really should be the only way to make money but that answer is probably not good enough for a lot of you.
The selling is done for us once somebody clicks one of our banner adds.  The MACHINE goes to work for me and I go back to expressing myself however I please.
Sometimes, I will be fake and sometimes I will be real.  Sometimes I will be apologetic but I promise to keep getting better every day.
Wanna come on the journey? Then join in!
Make it a great day.

What it Takes to Make It – Empower Network @ 2012

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