Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Make a Good Blog

How to Make a Good Blog – In this post, we will discuss how to make a good blog.  I have been blogging off and on for about three years but have created almost 250 blog posts in the last thirty days alone.  In this post, we will discuss some of the tips and the lessons learned that will serve you in your blogging efforts.
Remember that blog stands for web log.  Make it personal to you and make it fun.  There are no hard and fast rules about what you can and cannot do, so take everything that is written below with a grain of salt.  Take the tips that you like and feel free to throw away the rest, especially the stuff that is not interesting.
how to make a good blog

How to Make a Good Blog

1. Enjoy your blogging - There is no tip that I, or anybody else can give you, that is more important than this top tip on how to make a good blog.  Enjoy what you are writing about or creating a video about.  That will show through in your work and will be more important than any SEO or research that you are doing.  Blogs are meant to liberate our minds and allow us to express ourselves in any way that we want.  If you cannot do something that you enjoy, then there are so many better ways to spend your time.
2. Be entertaining - Share stories and do not give people exactly what they are looking for.  Be willing to throw in a curveball and share with your own personal style and flavor.  This will keep people on their toes.  It may turn some people off but you are much better turning some people off, then having everybody who reads your stuff being bored.  A little secret is, even the people who hate you and hate what you are doing, will read your stuff, so they can confirm to themselves why they hate you and your stuff.  Hah!!  Take That.
3. Take Risks and Share Yourself - Every great blogger that I know states that there blogging changed the second they began to take risks and sharing things that may be personal or controversial.  Will people judge you? Absolutely.  However, that is their issue, not yours. The funny thing is that because there is so much content and so much noise on the Internet and in the World, you are more likely to be ignored than you are to be judged.  If you are lucky (or skilled) enough to get a wide audience reading your stuff, then you are in the blessed few, even if people hate some or all of your work.  Be willing to take risks and you will thank me later.
Below is a logistics rant on how to make a good blog-
Find out what you do best and work on perfecting that craft - When I created my blog; I was torn between creating videos and writing.  I experimented with both platforms and realized one thing – I get more power from writing, then I do from creating videos.  However, I think that my videos have more benefit for most of the readers.  I decided that what I am going to do is write my content first and then I will record videos discussing what is included in the article.  The funny thing is that many times the videos take strange turns away from what is included in the articles, which can spawn a new set of written articles and a new set of videos.
The key is keep experimenting until you find your true voice.
Make it a great day and make a good blog.

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