Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Power of Collaboration

Power of Collaboration – I usually do not write about my day job but I wanted to take a moment to share about the day that I had to day.
I am working on a project that I have been working on by myself for a few months.
We are getting ready to move on to the next phase of the project.
This morning, a coworker of mine offered to sit down with me and go through all of the documents.  I walk out of the office today feeling great about the progress we made and being able to share my work with somebody else.

Power of Collaboration

power of collaboration
Here is what I realized about the power of collaboration:
1. Two minds working together can produce ten times the results.  When somebody is on the same page with you, together you will be able to produce so much more to have the success that you are looking for.
2. Having another person reviews your work validates your effort – I am a person who is hyper critical of the work that I am doing.  Having somebody else look at joy work and validating that what I did is decent makes me feel good and shuts down the monkeys in my head that say that what I am doing is not the right thing to do.
3. Another set of ideas can pick out errors that are lost in my blind spots – I have looked at these documents so many times that I fill in the gaps, even if what I am looking for is missing on the piece of paper.  A new person will be able to identify the gaps and be able to plow through and find solutions that will make a difference for them in the long run.
Get a friend or colleague or coworker to evaluate your work and you will be so much better off in the long run for your efforts.  Have a great day.

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