Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Be Productive

How to Be Productive - I have a lot of stuff that I want to and need to get done each day.  Here is what my day looks like -
6:00 am (sometimes as late as 7:00am) – Wake Up
6:05am to 7:30am – Write and Record Videos
7:30am to 8:00am – Get Dressed to Go to the Office
8:00am to 9:00am – Commute on the train to the office
9:00am to 5:30pm – Work at My Day Job
5:30pm to 6:30pm – Write
6:30pm to 7:30pm – Commute home
7:30pm to 8:30pm – Dinner, Watch Training, and Nap
8:30pm to 10:30pm – Family Time (including Skype with Grandma)
10:30pm to 12:00am – Complete Personal Projects and Hang Out with Wife
12:00am to 1:00am – Sleep or read and listen to training

How to Be Productive

how to be productive
Now, during the day, there are phone calls to be made, emails to follow up on, errands to run, etc.  Most of the times, these things are not scheduled, so what is required is planning to get stuff done during the gap time or time that could be down time. For me, this is the best answer on how to be productive.
Train Time
How to be productive while commuting to my office – While I am on the train, there are three things that I can do – Write, Listen to Empowering Audio and Read.  If I can get a seat, I will write.  My second choice is to read because I can only read when I am standing in one place.  Now, if I write during this time, then I find that I may not have to write during other times during the day.  Then, I can spend more time working on personal projects, etc.
Lunch Time – How to be productive during lunch break
During lunch time, if I am not having lunch with my co-workers (something I do almost every day and something I enjoy), I work on my personal projects that are nagging me and are not getting done.  That way, I can have more free time at night.
Leaving the Office
When I leave the office, there is a great park where I can shoot some videos every day.  This makes the difference between recording three pieces of content and ten pieces of content during the day.
The main point here is that success comes when we figure out where we can fill the holes with productive time.  Every moment of the day is lived with intention during the week and what is the result.
1. I feel like I am getting better at my writing and my video pro ducting and am doing so quickly.
2. THE MAIN EVENT – I party with the family all weekend.  We take amazing trips, have great play dates, go to theme parks, go to the beach, and go to museums.  You get the idea.  My badge of honor is that we bring my daughter home exhausted because she had so much fun.
Now, you may have a different work style and a different work ethic but for me, if I did not have a great plan during the week, my weekends would be filled with weak attempts at entertainment and catching up on things that did not get done during the week.
Please leave comments below if you have a better way of doing things and getting done what you want to get done.
Have a great day.

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