Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Working from Home Tips - Avoiding Distractions

Working from Home Tips – Below you will find some working from home tips that will help you in avoiding distractions that will take you away from your responsibilities.  You now work from home, either by choice (this is the dream of freedom seekers, right?) or you were forced to work from due to some cost saving measures or a reduction in force.
Whatever the reason that caused you to be in this situation, you now have a whole new set of challenges and distractions that you did not face before.
working from home tips

Working from Home Tips

Below are some working from home tips that will help you stay focused and productive -
1. Establish set working hours - People have two problems when they work from home.  They do not have enough discipline to work enough hours and are distracted by every little thing that comes up or, since they are always near their office (the home), they can never get away from work.  Establishing a set work schedule will help you handle both of these distractions.  When you are in work hours, you need to work and when you get done with those hours, break away from what you are doing.  Now, it may be easier said than done but if you put in the practice and put your schedule in writing you are more likely to be more productive than if you do not take this step.
2. Communicate to those who may distract what your working hours are - Make it clear that you cannot be borrowed between certain hours, unless there is an emergency.  That way kids, relatives, friends will not take the liberty of assuming you are available because you are home and in their presence.  Now, you must not give in with the distractions and you cannot expect that other people will remember not to distract you.  You just must be consistent with your message and stick to your guns.
3. When you are off, you are off - As a complement to the second point, when you are off and not working, then you should not be working. Let the people around you benefit from the fact that you no longer need to commute and you can go from work life to personal life in five minutes flat.  Come up with a ritual to break yourself out of work mode and into personal mode and you will be better off in the end.
4. If all else fails, leave and go to another location - If the distractions at home become too overwhelming, then you always have the option of picking up and going someplace else to finish your work.  Always have a plan B location so you can move to that place without losing too much productivity.  This is a good habit even if you are not faced with heavy distractions because a change of scenery can always come with a renewed perspective.
Follow the four working from home tips above and you may find that your experience is lucrative and enjoyable.

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